SME Enhance Scheme



28 September, 2023

SME Enhance GBER and SME Enhance (de minimis) are two schemes funded through the European Regional Development Fund. This incentive seeks to support SMEs through non-repayable Grants to part-finance investment towards expansion, diversification, innovation of the operations and initial investment, aimed at potentially improving the productivity of the enterprise.


The Schemes will support eligible SMEs to procure:


a) Equipment, plant and machinery – being the main component in terms of equipment, plant and machinery required for the project;


b) Equipment, plant and machinery - ancillary items to the main component capped at 10% of a) above;


c) Lease of private operational premises for the duration of two years capped at 10% of a) above;


d) Indirect costs computed at a 7% flat rate of costs identified in a), b), and c) above.


The Scheme will remain effective until 28 June 2024, subject to availability of funds.


For further information please click here.